
What We Do
ForSustainableSchools aims to make schools more sustainable and increase their student’s involvement by creating environmental clubs at high schools and elementary schools that teaches students about the environment and works to increase their positive impact. We provide these schools with everything they need and assist them along the way.

Kids in the U.S. waste 50% of the food on their plates in schools
About 70% of Americans don’t recycle correctly, or at all, from a lack of knowledge
Only 4% of schools are trying to reduce their carbon footprint

Lack of sustainability in schools or interest in being eco-friendly
Limited awareness about the environmental issues in the world and how to combat them
Little student involvement because there are no opportunities or interest

Increase student interest and involvement in benefitting the environment
It is incredibly important for students to get more involved, not only in their schools, but also with the environmental movement since it is, and will have, a huge impact on the world and everyone’s lives. We will do this by giving them more opportunities that would interest them and make them want to get involved with their school through environmental clubs. These clubs are fun and informative ways to decrease their school’s negative impact, and increase their positive impact, while also giving their students something that they can be passionate about and get inspired to make a difference.
Make schools more sustainable and increase their positive impact on the environment
One way we plan on making schools sustainable is by creating sustainability programs through starting environmental clubs. Some examples are recycling programs, composting programs, and anti-food waste programs. These will combat the major negative contributions that schools have on the environment and decrease their negative impact. In addition to this, these clubs will also work towards increasing their school’s positive impact through events and awareness. Some examples of this are starting butterfly gardens, cleaning up trash, and planting trees.

Develop communication through social media platforms and our website
Spreading awareness is really important considering most people have very limited knowledge about the environment. While word-of-mouth does help with spreading information, there are more effective ways of spreading accurate information fast and to a large audience like social media. Each club that ForGreenerEarth starts or partners with creates a social media page in order to inspire other students to join and spread general awareness about environmental issues and how to decrease their impact. We also plan to create a website for the organization that will be an easy way to show people who we are, what we do, our mission and goals, and information for specific clubs partnered with us like their schedule and social media. This also makes it easier to reach out to new schools because we can direct them to our website which answers most of their questions.